Why Choose Flea Treats?

Why Choose Flea Treats?

Q:  Why should anyone use Flea Treats twice a day every day instead of monthly or quarterly treatments?

A:  The number one reason is the safety and well-being of your pet.  Topical and hormonal treatments are made with ingredients that could cause a multitude of adverse health effects – not only for your pet, but you as well.  References below – read for yourself.  

Q:  How will I know if my pet will be affected?

A:  You won’t know until your pet displays symptoms – which may or may not be treatable and could be costly.

Q:  How do Flea Treats work?

A:  When given as directed, Flea Treats cause your pet’s skin to emit a powerful odor that fleas don’t like. The odor is emitted by the skin cells themselves.  Neither you nor your pet will notice an odor. Fleas and ticks can smell it, though, and they don’t like it!

Q:  What if this is just another gimmick to get my money?

A:  We offer a money-back guarantee. Use up a bottle of Flea Treats. If you’re not pleased with what we’ve done for your pet, we’ll refund your money. We think you’ll be pleased, though. [Refund limited to one (1) returned bottle per customer.] Check out the testimonials on our website at: https://fleatreats.com/testimonials/





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