Flea Treats Gardening

Gardening with Pets

Planting Time!

Spring is just weeks away – time to get the garden going!  Raised planters and fencing work well to keep dogs out, but cats are a different story.  They just love to use the freshly tilled dirt as their litter box.  I don’t mind their ‘fertilizer’ around my decorative plants, but not what I’m growing to eat.  I have tried a few methods with varying effectiveness.  

Chopsticks and or forks stuck around plants worked well but wasn’t aesthetically pleasing.  

I planted coleus canina (Coleus caninus or Plectranthus caninus) aka “scaredy cat plant” at one end of my garden.  It is easy to grow and does have a strong smell, but it’s not around all of the plants so it’s only partially effective.

What has worked best for me is an outdoor ‘litter box’.  I just filled an old dresser drawer that I found in the alley with sand and made sure to scoop the poop every day or so.  It’s right next to my garden and is their preferred spot to do their business.  I’m expanding my growing area this year so I will be adding a second ‘litter box’.

Garden Betty’s website has several other ideas for keeping gardens safe from visitors.  Visit GardenBetty.com for the full article.

Happy gardening everyone!!!

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